Forbes Magazine contributor Ken Krogue recently proclaimed the Death of SEO and the rise of content creation through traditional marketing channels such as public relations, social and “real content”. While Mr. Krogue statement, in some ways, is ultimatly true – the way we practice SEO will change in the future.
Although Mr. Krogue, this is barely a breakthrough.
Since the practice of SEO changes so frequently, calling it’s death is rather premature. With content creation taking the front stage, I would call it the “rebirth” of SEO focusing more on optimizing unique content rather than building link wheels.
In a post on our partner blog, SEO for Public Relations, we shared a video from the head of Google’s Web Spam Team, Matt Cuts, regarding a question if SEO is Spam.
Mr. Cutts answers: [paraphrase]-
Search Engine Optimization isn’t always all about trying to get your site indexed better in search but rather optimizing your content so search engines can crawl your content better. Thus leading towards a better indexed web content.
From Part II of Mr. Krogues now “series” on the “Death of SEO; rise of Content Creation” the author reflects on the criticism brought forth in the comments to his initial post,
“Copy writers and marketers agreed with me and cheered. SEO ‘gurus’ made me tighten up my semantics.”
From a copywriter stand point, this isn’t something I would cheer nor would I decry because, as copy creators, there will always be the need to create “optimized content”. Ultimately, we’re creating quality content optimized for humans – or HEO – Human Optimized Content. The search engine, while still very important, is the connector. – Scott
Recently read a post from the UK that says that top 5 of 6 factors in page rank are social shares. The one
exception being link building. With that said, why do other SEO strategies matter anymore?
Regardless of “social shares” – if Google can not crawl your page content to get the gist then optimization of the given site page will not be as successful. This would apply to social search or just plain search. Frankly, at the end of the day – social search is link building.
I like the HEO concept, Scott. It’s not gotten enough notice. Google goes to a lot of trouble to make sure that their search results match up to how people search. I find it interesting that someone, outside of the very secretive Google who is famously closed-mouth about defining such things, would claim to know definitively what the “top 5 of 6 factors in page rank” actually is.
— Agreed. In my opinion, SEO is still very much what it was months ago. Optimizing content so search engines can better index it. Social media is just another form of link building, but maybe now with a “higher priority”.
SEO is the best way of optimising your website so that search engine rank it in the organic results . According to me SEO work can never get down . No doubt most of the off page techniques re social but the on page techniques like title optimisation , meta tag optimisation , link optimisation are very much effective to up your website in SERPs .