I’m very pleased to announce that I will be presenting to the PRSA Suburban Chicago Chapter on search engine optimization tactics.

For more information, and to register, please visit prsascc.org.


Here’s the SEO for PR  course description:

Psst… I’ve got a good secret. (Public Relations Pros already make great search engine marketers and at my presentation I’m going to spill all!)

As a public relations professional, you probably already create, manage and curate great content. How many times have you published or released one of the following:

Press Releases
Company Newsletters
Corporate Blogs
Leadership Bios
Product Information
White Papers
Customer Testimonials
… to name a few.

…But are you “releasing” this information the correct way? The above “standards” are great examples of high-quality content that can assist with search engine strategy but the key is knowing how to publish them correctly onto the web. Most importantly the rules of SEO are changing and this is an opportunity to gain traction for you and your clients while securing a solid website search engine foundation for the future. Using content you may already have!