New & Noteable:  WordPress Plugin Review

Fresh Custom Loops WordPress plugin is a simple way to change the way blog posts feed into the loop.


Fresh Custom Loops WordPress plugin review

Have you ever wished you could change the way your blog posts are ordered in the loop? With a brand new plugin from FreshFace Themes, you can! Released through the Code Canyon marketplace, the Fresh Custom Loops WordPress plugin allows users to simply select how they wish to order their posts using an intuitive conditional logic.  So, for example, if you only want to show posts with attached featured images, you could create a loop with this condition.   Or, if you wanted to show your popular posts, you could select post with more than x comments.  With x equalling the the minimum number of comments required in order to show.

Here’s a sampling provided by the developer of conditional logic options:

  • Taxonomy archives – Categories, Tags, …
  • Posted In Taxonomy – Categories, Tags, …
  • Post types – Post, Page, Media, Attachment
  • Post Extra – Post Format, Page Template, Page Type, View, Special Archive
  • Modules – Active Theme, Active Plugin
  • System – Device, Browser

What’s the WordPress loop?

Just in case you’re not familiar with the loop, it’s the order in which blog posts are ordered on either your website’s home page or your main blog category. If you select “Blog” on this website, you will see the “archive” loop on this website.

What is Conditional Logic?

Conditional Logic is typically a series of IF/THEN statements. For example, let’s say I want to only show blog posts tagged with apples but also must have a image in the post.  This would be an example of an if/then statement.

Final Thoughts:

Why I like Fresh Custom Loops WordPress Plugin:

Sometimes you need to change things up with your posts, while some WordPress themes have this capability built in, Fresh Custom Loops bring more options to the table. And it’s something that relatively any WordPress user can configure.  Pretty powerful plugin that I think has a really simple yet intuitive features.

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