What a crazy summer, been plugging away with building out the fall programming for Content Academy and I’m very grateful and excited to have made some great collaborations! Let’s just say, I’m really impressed with all of the people I’m currently working with and I’m truly blessed for all they are teaching me. The future is really looking good.
Not all business, summer travel recap:
With my most important collaborator, my wife Heather, we experienced two very fun trips this summer. We first hopped back to NYC for a long weekend in late May. We just love the Big Apple, so much culture and design. We always leave inspired and with a list of things to do for a future return trip.
In mid-July, we made our annual east bound and down trip to Ohio to spend time with Heather’s family and friends and jaunted off to Philadelphia for few days. Philly was absolutely a hit since we’re both history buffs and we really enjoyed the Museum of the American Revolution and I personally really enjoyed Ben Franklin’s home. What an inspiring person and really looking forward to digging into his biography at some point soon. Also made two wayside stops at Fort Necessity Battlefield on the way to PA and Valley Forge on the way back to Ohio. On the back, we listened to an audio book The Drillmaster of Valley Forge: The Baron De Steuben and the Making of the American Army. Very good if you’re into this type of history.
Business Updates
I’ve partnered up to launch a brand new WordPress Theme, not quite ready to divulge full details but will launch very soon. Basically, let’s just say this theme will help you look awesome and build an audience online.
Finally, my WordCamp Chicago presentation is now on WordPress.tv. So feel free to watch!