by swinterroth | Feb 21, 2016 | Blog, Life Notes
I’m really excited to launch a brand new WordPress resource that I hope provides value to the community! Hello WordMentor! BETA Learning a new skill can be daunting enough on its own. Finding someone to help you shouldn’t be! is a simple...
by swinterroth | Aug 14, 2014 | Blog, Featured, Tips and Tricks
As the world of WordPress becomes increasingly popular, plugin developers only have a few micro-seconds to capture someone’s attention when the prospective user is searching for new plugin to fill a need. Today, With over 32,786 plugins in the repository,...
by swinterroth | Nov 1, 2011 | Blog, Blogging Strategies, Case for Blogging, Dynamic Web Sites
I recently had the honor to speak on WordPress for Public Relations to the Chicago WordPress Meetup Group. While I was semi-prepared for a crowd with multiple levels of WordPress and PR experience, I realized the importance of explaining some of the fundamental basics...
by swinterroth | Nov 1, 2011 | Blog, Blogging Strategies, Case for Blogging, Dynamic Web Sites, Writing Copy
Getting started with a business blog can be both exciting and time-consuming. With a bit of foresight and following some best practices, we can help craft a plan to get your professional blog up-and-running in no time. In this post, we’ll outline some...