by swinterroth | Mar 11, 2019 | Blog, Blogging Strategies, Social Media Marketing, WordPress
Here’s a recap of a recent blog post, podcast and tutorial I created. Content: Blog Post: Maximize your blog’s images by minimizing the pixel count Podcast Episode: #39 – Maximize your blog’s images for performance YouTube Tutorial...
by swinterroth | Feb 19, 2019 | Blog, Blogging Strategies, Dynamic Web Sites, On Blogging
And how to use them on your blog properly. Just recently posted about stock photography sources, where to find a good stock and how to use it properly on both Content Academy’s blog and as a podcast on Blog You Want. This is a long post but packed with great...
by swinterroth | Aug 20, 2012 | Blog, Blogging Strategies, Case for Blogging, Content Marketing
For most retailers, it is that time of year to consider marketing and hiring plans to prepare for the upcoming holiday season. When making these plans, consider maybe not hiring so many gift wrappers but hire a holiday bloggers to help push your online store to the...
by swinterroth | Aug 17, 2012 | Blog, Blogging Strategies, Content Marketing
Last week, I shared an article from talking about the Death of SEO and the rise of real content and yet again, the same topic has appeared in other mainstream press. It’s exciting to see such large media outlets talking about the need for real,...
by swinterroth | Aug 6, 2012 | Blog, Blogging Strategies, Writing Copy
Forbes Magazine contributor Ken Krogue recently proclaimed the Death of SEO and the rise of content creation through traditional marketing channels such as public relations, social and “real content”. While Mr. Krogue statement, in some ways, is ultimatly...
by swinterroth | May 24, 2012 | Blog, Blogging Strategies
First thing first, Blogging has change in so many ways. From what was once a hobbyist approach to talking about their cat on a free, personal blog has long evolved into a mainstream source for global news and information. With the growth a blogging, the face of...