We all need a little nudge

Since becoming vaccinated, I’ve taken up indoor walking at the Weber Center in Skokie to keep my legs moving and my heart pumping. Pretty easy to be sedentary when you work all day and all night on the computer.  A friend of mine urged me to start walking with him and...

A lesson that fools can finish first

I look back sometimes and realize how foolish I’ve been. Maybe not a “fool” but just naive at my skills or my situation. You might say, so foolish that I didn’t even realize what exactly I was about to take on.  I can remember when I was around the age of 16...

#Winning with Creative Leadership

Let’s discuss something that is much needed in struggling times; and when you need something to get an edge. That is Creative leadership, lets understand what creative leadership is and how it’s going to help us in these challenging times we face. Being a leader in...

Free WordPress help and training!

Yes, the title is true! I’ve gone mad and I’m offering FREE live online WordPress help and training to anyone who is in need during the 2020 COVID-19 Coronavirus Stay-at-home order (and maybe beyond if needed). Get your Website FixedLearn some new digital...

And this is 2020

Today we ring in the new year and a new decade. I can’t help but think of Barbara Walters and Hugh Downs on ABC News opening with … and this is 2020. A Friday evening news magazine show, popular in the 1990s and still on the air today. In other news, Legal...