by swinterroth | Mar 25, 2016 | Blog, Entrepreneurship, Life Notes, On Blogging, Online Marketing
I had the honor to speak with 8 very distinguished communication professionals at the IABC Chicago Rapido: Communication Game Changers event held at the AKA Media Inc offices. Thank you Jim O’Reilly! The format was amazing, 9 presenters and they all had...
by swinterroth | Mar 21, 2016 | Blog, On Blogging
At model train shows, there is typically a table filled with old train magazines dating back to the 1970s and beyond. And by the end of every show, the table is almost always cleared. Attendees pick though the mags for ideas, pictures and possibly even the...
by swinterroth | Mar 15, 2016 | Blog, Life Notes
In 1996, I was just a kid in middle school with taking a “computer” class with Mr. Garofalo. It was held in a very warm computer lab which was attached to the school’s library. That classroom was equipped with Apple 2e computers where we learned how...
by swinterroth | Mar 1, 2016 | Blog, Entrepreneurship, Life Notes
Here are a few recent interviews of local startup founders that we’ve posted on I say we because Maddy Osman wrote one of them. Reading others startup founders stories can be very inspiring, plus each interview comes with a startup...